Welcome Note From

Head of the department

I count it a great privilege to welcome you to the Department of Physics, College of Science and Technology, Covenant University, Ota. We thank God for how He started with us and how far He has led us. Physics Department started as a servicing unit to other programmes in the college, until September, 2004 when it became a full fledge Department offering Industrial Physics, programme.

Omeje Maxwell, Ph.D.



Meet Our Students

Highlights in Department

The Department of Physics currently offers a 4-year Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) degree in Industrial Physics with options in Applied Geophysics, Electronics and Information Technology Applications and Renewable Energy. 'O' level admission requirement for our undergraduate programmes are: Mathematics, English Language, Physics,Chemistry and any other relevant science subject, Technology , Further Mathematics and Geography. The U.T.M.E. Subjects are English Language, Physics, Mathematics and any other relevant Science subject or Technology or Further Mathematics. The candidate must also fulfill all other Admission Requirements as prescribed by the Senate of Covenant University.


2021/2022 Academic Session

Highlights On Town
and Gown

Our students are exposed to rigorous academic discipline by a rare blend of committed and self-motivated faculty base who are at the cutting edge in teaching, research and community impact.

Connect with us

Km. 10 Idiroko Road, Canaan Land, Ota, Ogun State

  • dummy+1 (2) 345 6789

  • dummy+1 (2) 345 6789

  • dummy contact@covenantuniversity.edu.ng


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